
About Pastor Caroline
A bit about myself…..I can promise you that there is nothing exceptionally exciting about my life, but I would love to take the opportunity to share a bit about myself and my family, so you can get to know me.
I am first and foremost a child of God, then a wife, mother, and gramma. I am married to my wonderful husband, whom you will see around Elim frequently. We’ve been married for 40 years. Our immediate family consists of our older son Jamey and our daughter-in-love Sam (Samantha), and our younger son Kyle and his daughters, Grace and Gwen. We also have a furry, four-legged kid, Iggy, a Yellow lab/something cross.
My first career was a public-school music teacher. I am a saxophone, French horn, piano, and oboe player - I don’t play much of anything anymore. Occasionally, I will play piano or soprano sax for special events, but I have to say I’m a bit out of practice.
I am a North Dakota State University graduate with a degree formerly known as Humanities and Social Science – Music Education. Also, my Master of Divinity Degree is from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN.
Jamey is a high school basketball coach and business owner in the Twin Cities. Sam is a Project Manager at 3M in Maplewood, MN, a suburb of St. Paul. Kyle is a PhD student in physics at NDSU. Our granddaughters, Gracie and Gwenny, are in elementary school.
When I have free time, I love to paint – not house painting, but “artistic” painting. It is a great relaxer for me. Scott, also an NDSU grad, is a jazz guitarist. We both love water, particularly the lakes of Minnesota, the Pacific Ocean around the Hawaiian island of Maui, and the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Maine. Yep! I’m a water baby.
I am so elated to be here at Elim. This is a truly blessed family and I am more-than-blessed to be part of this family of God. May God bless our ministry together.